Friday 8 June 2012

My Wish List §9

Good Friday Morning Folks,

In Sara Art Studio it’s time 
to spread out and support quality art and handmade!!!
As you already know each Friday 
I share with you my favourite five Art Works and Handmade Creations
and ask you to vote your favourite one  
that will be part of My Wish List as guest next Week.
( find the poll on the left column )

My Wish List §9
1. Rory -  Desert Rose
Desert Rose
Rory - Desert Rose
2. Lv2Create - Kokeshi Doll

Kokeshi Doll
Lv2Create - Kokeshi Doll

3. Little Treasure - Byzantine purple bracelet

Byzantine purple bracelet
Little Treasure - Byzantine purple bracelet

4. Helle belle cards - Handmade any occasion owls card

handmade any occasion owls card front 1
Helle belle cards - Handmade any occasion owls card

5. Maria Apostolou - FAM 1/May "Happy Fishes"

FAM 1/May "Happy fishes" -  earrings
Maria Apostolou - FAM 1/May "Happy Fishes"

and now.....
Your favourite Art Work of the Week §8
the artist is Katy Schmitt
from Katy Schmitt - Unique Jewellery
Katy Schmitt - Magarete

Click the images and read more about the Artists and their works!!!!
Share your love for Arts and Handmade!!!!
Would you like to know Art Works and Handmade Creations featured  till now?

Lovely artists among you have already joined  
and uploaded many cute images.
 I thank all of them, and invite you to join us and have fun!!!!
It's always a pleasure to meet and visit new "little worlds".
Let's spread out our creativity and meet each others!!!

"Which is your favourite Art Work of the week?"
Spreaders and lovers of arts have 7 days to vote Your favourite 
among the five Art Works listed this Week.
The winner will be featured in the next "My Wish List".
On the left column find the poll and give your preference.
Are you featured on Sara Arts – My Wish List
Let your readers know it with this banner. 
Copy and past the HTML Code in your blog

<br /><a href=""><center><img src="" /><br /></center></a>

If you have problems with the HTML Code, contact me!

Would you like to help me to find your “little world” and your creations?

Here some steps to follow:
1. Go to my Flickr Group "Sara Arts - My Wish List ". 
Join and upload photos of your Art Works, Handmade Creations. The manufactures you are going to share with the group must be yours.  
Nice people don’t pass off someone else’s hard work as their own.
(please upload images at least 500 pixel wide and no more than three per day. Add to each photo a short description with the web address you want to be linked back.)
2. Join my blog, it's optional, but it would be nice from you.
Each Friday five among your creations will be part of my "My wish list". 
Note  Sara Arts reserves the right to refuse links to sites not related to its own theme/purpose or discart  images if not supporting its blog and flickr group content. Thank you for your understanding.
See you soon,


  1. Oh what a wonderful surprise Sara!
    Thank you so much!!


  2. Hi Sara!!!

    Ma quante belle cosine che hai scoperto per noi anche questa settimana!!!! Allora, per quanto io ami i gufi e le civette, devo dire che il mio progetto preferito deve essere per forza il braccialetto o braccialone. Appena l'ho visto, mi e' venuta voglia di indossarlo!!!

    Ho sempre avuto un debole per i bracciali che coprono l'intero polso, specie se sono leggermente larghi e quindi scendono a coprire leggermente la mano. Mi fanno sentire sicura... io sono una di quelle persone che porta le maniche lunghe a coprire meta' della mano, non so se hai presente il genere....

    Vado a votare...buon week end!


    1. Ciao Alex,

      anche a me è piaciuto il bracciale appena l'ho visto!!!! Grazie di seguirmi sempre con tanto affetto!!!

      I love your posts. They are so cute and helpful!!!


  3. Quante belle cose che hai proposto Sara!

    1. Grazie!!!! È un piacere averti qui nel mio piccolo mondo!!


Thanks to take your time and send me a comment. I will replay to you soon, come back and read my message.

If you like you may follow Sara Arts also via Facebook and Google+, join me and be connect. Help each other to spread out our love for Creativity and Arts!!!

If you are a blogger too, I look forward to have a tour in your "little world".
I love to hear from you!!!!

Sara Arts

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